08130804289, 08027967113

143, Awolowo Road, Radio Bus Stop, Itamaga, Ikorodu, Lagos State.

We are committed to render quality professional service and  automobile care in a safe, enjoyable atmosphere at the best price around in which customers are treated with utmost respect ,honesty and extremely informative to them. We maintain a friendly creative work environment that respects diversity, ideas, and hard work.

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Kids and Teen Auto Care
Kids & Teens Auto Club is a program created to teach and create enthusiasm for STEM especially engineering in kids and Teen. The program exposes kids to necessities like Safety, Logic, Creativity which give them an advantage over their peers. 

This Club creates an innovative and relaxed learning environment to complement the tense theoretical nature of the kids’ classrooms. It gives kids a platform to exercise their creativity, their potentials in a friendly and practical environment with their peers. It is a sure way to boost the interest of your kids in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

KTAC teaches problem-solving skills, help your kids analyze problems and prepare them for the technological innovations they will undoubtedly experience in their lifetime.
Women Auto Care
A 2019 research by JoinWomenDriver.com and SurveySpark showed that women influenced 70 to 80 percent of all car purchases making them the drivers of the automobile industry. This stat was further backed by forbes when it released that 62% of all new cars sold in the Us were bought by women and 85% of all car purchases in the US influenced by them. 

Given this huge power over the automobile market it is surprisingly to know that less than 95% of women have basic knowledge on the operating principles of their vehicle, how to maintain them, how do simple repairs that could save them time, and money or even pull them out of a terrible situation. This lack of interest is majorly hinged on the false belief that automobile hacks or maintenance are tough, dirty and streesful hence should be done by males alone. 

Women Auto Care is a tailored program created for ladies and women, to teach them essential car maintenance and life saving tips in a friendly and relaxed environment. We have seen women complain bitterly about their experience of being stranded due to their vehicle breaking down on the road or being charge exorbitant charges by mechanics for simple maintenance. This program will help solves these problems and many more by empowering you with the adequate knowledge necessary to help you in any of these conditions.

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“Nenis Auto Care” is Nigeria’s leading female owned automotive maintenance center committed to rendering professional automobile services in a safe, enjoyable and friendly atmosphere at very competitive prices.

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